Tuesday Nov 28, 2023

Investing In Your Personal Brand As A Tradesman | Joseph Valente & Christopher Ruggiero | Trade Secrets Podcast

Founded by CEO Joseph Valente, Winner of the BBC Apprentice
The Number One Sales & Marketing Training Provider For Construction Businesses

This weeks podcast, Joseph Valente is joined by Chris Ruggiero where they talk about the importance of marketing your brand, especially with social media, knowing your numbers and recruiting the best people to excel your business together.

Trade Mastermind & Coaching Academy was established in 2019 to help sole traders and small business owners grow. Especially focused on the trades businesses, Trade Mastermind and all its programs give business owners the strategies, tools, and trade secrets to boost their growth and ultimately start recording big sales numbers every year.

At Trade Mastermind, we have a simple philosophy: share what we know with those starting up in the industry to help them achieve success without making the same mistakes. To achieve this goal, we make sure we are open and honest with our trainees. We give clients courage, knowledge, and tools to learn how to set up and grow a profitable successful construction business.

Scale your business with us:

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